Seminar Schedule - University of Houston
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Seminar Schedule Spring 2024

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Houston offers its seminars on most Friday mornings during the fall and spring semesters. For more information regarding seminars please visit the seminars resource page.

Time: Seminars are held on most Fridays 11-12 PM.

Registration is required to participate in the meeting.

Spring 2024 Seminar Schedule

In Spring 2024 we will support both in-person and virtual seminars. Check the format of individual seminars on the schedule below. In-person seminars will be held in Room 634, SR1 unless otherwise noted.
To participate in virtual seminars, use Zoom Meeting ID: 829 1660 9186 and Passcode 764132. The same code will work for all virtual seminars.

Pre-seminar coffee will be canceled. After-seminar lunch replaces pre-seminar coffee to facilitate interactions between EAS and speaker. After-seminar lunch will be held in Rm 223 unless otherwise noted and is open for everyone who wishes to attend.


Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation
1/19/2024 Courtney Schumacher Texas A&M University Storm organization and its relationship to isotopes and coastlines In Person Felix Minta
1/26/2024 Mukul Bhatia University of Houston The Future of Energy: Carbon Capture and Storage at the Center Stage In Person (location SEC 105) Yingcai Zheng
2/2/2024 Gilby Jepson University of Oklahoma Regional exhumation of the Laramide and response to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum In person Pete Copeland
2/9/2024 Birol Dindoruk University of Houston Interaction of Phase Behavior and Flow Applications: EOR, CCUS/Gas Storage and H2 and All In person Yingcai Zheng
2/16/2024 Stephen Larter University of Calgary Preservation and detection of molecular markers on planetary bodies such as Mars and storing carbon on Earth. Technical, cultural and practical insights from petroleum systems studies and technology development experiences. Virtual Jagos Radovic
2/23/2024 Justin Simon NASA Johnson Space Center Mars 2020 - Collecting Samples on Mars for Laboratory Analysis In person Michael Antonelli
3/1/2024 Peter Vrolijk New Mexico Tech Massive earthquakes and tsunamis: contributing factors revealed by IODP Expedition 362 In person Jinny Sisson
3/8/2024 Francis Ebo Nkrumah University of Cape Coast Relationship Between Recent Rainfall Regime Characteristics Over Southern West Africa And Associated Mesoscale Convective System Virtual Ray Oware
3/22/2024 Geeta Persad University of Texas at Austin Anthropogenic Aerosols as Drivers of Climate Risk Virtual Siyu Zhao
3/29/2024 Andrew Dessler Texas A&M University Climate change: on the brink of disaster and the brink of salvation In person Salma Bibi
4/5/2024 Andre Izidoro Rice University Understanding our Solar System and its place in the Cosmos In person Tom Lapen
4/12/2024 Emily Johnson The United States Geological Survey Small but mighty: New insights into the complexities of monogenetic volcanoes Virtual Karissa Vermillion
4/19/2024 Falko Judt National Center for Atmospheric Research Improving tropical weather and climate forecasts with global cloud-resolving models In person Honghai Zhang